The article examines taxes, fees and other payments that are incurred by the State Forests National Forest Holding (SFNFH) on the example of the Drewnica Forest District (central Poland) in period 2008−2012. Fiscal instruments are shown against the results of the operations carried out by the forest district, while considering natural and economic conditions and various functions (e.g. environmental, social) performed by the entity, as well as any additional costs incurred during the implementation of these functions. The balance sheet reports, financial statements and other financial and accounting documents, including the planning documents of the examined forest district, constitute the data source for this study. Over the five−year period, the Drewnica Forest District paid an average PLN 839,000 in taxes and fees per annum, and this amounted to approximately 6.1% of its revenue (including the contributions made by the forestry fund). The largest share of the tax paid was composed of VAT (PLN 479,000) and forestry tax (PLN 167,000), as well as income tax from individuals (PLN 129,000). Other relatively small charges included PFRON contributions (PLN 45,000), property tax (PLN 16,000), agricultural tax (PLN 1,000), as well as the fees for the perpetual usufruct of land (PLN 3,000). Between 2008 and 2012, the revenue of the Drewnica Forest District was less than its expenses, and the additional payments in the form of taxes and other fees further increased its deficit. The analysis of the level and structure of taxes and other fiscal charges is important in the context of maintaining the statutory requirement of the financial independence of SFNFH. Studies reveal that the structure and level of financial charges imposed on the organisational units of the State Forests should be subject to the specific nature and conditions of the forestry production process. The imposition of excessively restrictive financial charges in the form of various taxes, fees and payments, made mostly to the State Treasury and municipalities, could threaten the economic viability of the State Forests.