Orexins are mainly synthesized in lateral hypothalamus but orexinergic projections are present in many brain areas including cerebral cortex, thalamus, brain stem and the hippocampal formation (HPC). The study was designed to check wheather intrahippocampal injections of orexin A and blockers of orexin receptors exert effect on theta. The studies were performed on anasthetized rats. Initially spontaneous theta rhythm recorded from HPC was blocked by the intravenous injections of atropine. When the HPC theta disappered, animals were subjected local injections of orexin A and the mixture of: orexin A and SB, orexin A and TCS and orexin A with both blockers in separate studies. Theta activty was only observed in the first and second case but with a lower parameters in comparison to theta recorded after orexin A injection. Obtained results indicates crucial role of orexinergic receptors underlying theta HPC rhythm production.