One of the forms of recreation is physical recreation, which requires space of certain qualities or special facilities. Suburban areas, which are natural “extension” of cities, have a great potential as a space of recreation for city residents. Attractive natural areas in the outskirts of the city are one of the basic elements that strengthen functional relationships between the metropolis and its hinterland. Recreation in the open air, and hence weekend trips, were and still are a characteristic element of urban lifestyle. This article aims to answer the question about the role of Warsaw suburban zone as a space of recreation and weekend tourism for residents of two housing estates of Warsaw: Bródno and Miasteczko Wilanów. The study has shown that the potential for the development of tourism and recreation in the suburban area of Warsaw is not used sufficiently. Residents of both housing estates, despite the differences in the social structure and the lifestyle, visit suburban localities mostly in order to maintain relationships with family and friends living there. Recreation infrastructure and private club spaces do not provide sufficient encouragement to visit suburban zone for recreation and tourism purposes. For surveyed people suburban zone is poorly known space and perceived as a space of other than tourism and recreation functions. There is a lack of effective promotion of values of Warsaw suburbs. Such promotion would help to strengthen functional relationship in the whole city region.