Wraz z rozwojem gospodarczym oraz ewolucją celów i instrumentów wspólnej polityki rolnej Unii Europejskiej następuje zmiana zasobów ziemi rolniczej oraz struktura jej wykorzystania. W pracy przedstawiono dynamikę struktury użytków rolnych w państwach członkowskich UE w latach 2003-2007 z uwzględnieniem czynników determinujących zachodzące procesy, w tym idei rozwoju zrównoważonego. Przeprowadzone obserwacje wskazują na wysoce zróżnicowany charakter zmian wykorzystania ziemi w poszczególnych państwach.
In the result of development in agriculture and of the assurance of food safety in the European Union, the aims of the Common Agricultural Policy and its instruments have evolved. Currently in less and less extent rural areas are the source of agricultural production. This function is transformed into the care of the environmental and cultural role of these regions. Because of this the resources and structures of agricultural land change. The land becomes a source of public goods which also ensure positive external effects for the whole society. The paper points out the direction and strength of the changes in the utilized agricultural areas between 2003 and 2007 in the European Union which are widely diversified in a single member states. However, despite of this, there is no significant change in the field of the resources and structures of UAA in the whole European Union. This causes that in the EU only the areas where the agricultural land is used for production or non-production purpose change. The reason of this phenomenon is the aim of optimal exploitation of the natural resources and assurance of the competitiveness of farms thanks to the possessed comparative advantages.