The aim of the research presented in the article was to determine the influence of pigs rearing on the natural environment and to assess sustainability of pig farms of great production scale. The analysis included 80 pig farms located in eight voivodeships of the greatest concentration of these animals’ rearing in Poland. The research showed that a level of production sustainability in pig farms is diverse. In part of farms, the norms concerning stocking density per 100 ha of agricultural area are not observed, pigpen areas in piggeries are being limited, monoculture is used in crop growing, and equipment of devices for animal excrement storing is too low in relation to needs. In order to sustain pig farms with regard to production, economic, social, and environmental issues, it is important to shape awareness of agricultural producers concerning the influence of agricultural activity on water, air and soil pollution and to increase legal pressures within the scope of observing requirements of natural environment protection.