Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee (Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera) is a fruit and shoot borer which is the key pest of eggplant (also known as brinjal and aubergine). L. orbonalis causes broad-based problems in eggplant cultivation. An effort was made to control the borer during the Indian rainy season, as this is the time when the problem is at its worst. The impact of treatments on natural enemies as well as pollinators was also assessed. Integration of phytosanitation, mechanical control and prophylactic application of neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) exerted a satisfactory impact on the incidence and damage of L. orbonalis. After two need-based applications of new generation pesticide molecules like flubendiamide or rynaxypyr or emamectin benzoate, fairly good, healthy yields were produced. A ready-mix formulation (triazophos 40% + cypermethrin 4%), and carbofuran also offered good protection against the borer but both were found highly toxic and unsafe for predators i.e. predatory coccinellids and spiders and pollinating bees. Flubendiamide and rynaxypyr appeared comparatively more unsafe for bees than emamectin benzoate, while both allowed a substantial proportion of coccinellids and spiders to survive. Naturolyte, with the active ingredient emamectin benzoate, was found safe for predators and bees and on par with the untreated check.