W opracowaniu dokonano analizy dynamiki cyrkulacji atmosferycznej nad regionem pienińskim. Materiałem badawczym były codzienne dolne mapy synoptyczne Europy z lat 1986-2000. Określano częstość występowania wyróżnionych sytuacji barycznych i związanych z nimi kierunków spływu powietrza zarówno w skali całego roku, jak też poszczególnych miesięcy. Wykazano, że uzyskane wyniki orientują w sezonowym rozkładzie ciśnienia nad Europą Środkową oraz wskazują na rodzaje mas powietrza napływających nad region pieniński, umożliwiając tym samym szeroką interpretację rocznego przebiegu czynników klimatycznych.
The study aimed at characterizing the dynamics of atmospheric circulation over the Pieniny Mts. region and the analysis of specific air pressure situations, their frequencies and directions of airflow in particular. The basis for those analyses were everyday weather-charts of Europe in the years 1986 -2000. There were 5 types of anticyclonic situations (W SW, W SW, W NE, W SE, W N), 5 of cyclonic situations (N SW, N NW, N NE, N SE, Nn) and a saddle point (S) considered. They are characterized by the following directions of airflow: W SW, N W - from the south-west sector (from S to WSW); W NW, N NW - from the north-west sector (from W to NNW); W NE, N NE - from the north-east sector (from N to ENE); W SE, N SE - from the south-east sector (from Eto SSE); Wn, N n - no specific direction (f. e. in the center of high or depression); S - no specific direction. This study pointed out that the frequencies of anticyclonic vs. cyclonic situations were similar in every year as well as in each individual month. Some prevailing anticyclonic or cyclonic situations were occasionally observed due to the seasonal changes of pressure field above Europe. From all the situations listed above the most frequent ones are: N SW and N NW. The ones with north-east and south-east airflow are usually anticyclonic ones. The frequencies of individual situations are alternating over the year. Over the Pieniny Mts. region the dominating airflows came from the south-west sector (which is typical for autumn and winter months) or from the north-west sector (for spring and summer ones). The north-east airflow is noted mainly in spring, whereas the south-east one appears typically in autumn. So high dynamics of circulation processes is a consequence of the geographical zone involved which is situated in transitional temperate climate.