In the present visual psychophysical study, the Oppel‑Kundt and and Müller‑Lyer illusion magnitudes were measured separately (by single figures) and in combination (by two patterns superposed spatially). Data for 30 subjects revealed extensive variability both for the separate and combined illusion strength. Nevertheless, the effect of addition of the perceived length distortions was established. The combined illusions were significantly stronger than the separate ones. Dynamics of the misperceptions summation was studied by varying length of the Müller‑Lyer wings in the superposed stimuli. According to the experimental data obtained, the two misperceptions in length occurred and combined into sensory response varying in dependence on the spatial parameters of the superposed stimuli and on the individual experimental accomplishment. The data supported an explanation for the origin of the filled/unfilled illusion: overestimate of a filled interval length developed due to the spatiotemporal integration along a continuous excitation path elicited by the real or imaginary contours of the filling.