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Reakcja roślinności runa na pożar pokrywy gleby w zespole Peucedano-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973 w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym

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Response of vegetation to the surface fire in the pine forest Peucedano-Pinetum W. Mat. (1962) 1973 in the Kampinoski National Park

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Fires that are one of the most classic disturbance of plant communities have had a great impact on the development of Scots pine communities. Restoration of vegetation disturbed by fire in this type of community starts almost immediately after disturbance. The intensity of fire significantly influences the future composition of vascular plant species and also the rate of change. The aim of the study was to describe the effect of intensity of the surface fire on the forest floor vegetation response and to preliminary attempt to characterize the syndynamic processes occurring after the disturbance. The research was conducted in Scots pine forest Peucedano−Pinetum in the Kampinoski National Park (central Poland). We established 45 permanent study plots, including 17 not burnt (control) and 28 burnt ones. Each plot covered area of 100 m². On each plot at first we separated the areas which were not burnt, surface burnt and characterized by complete burnout of the organic horizon of the soil. Than we measured the thickness of this horizon. Additionally the volume of organic matter burnt within each plot was calculated. Vegetation was sampled using Londo scale in the year of fire (2015) and the year after (2016). We used DCA ordination and UPGMA classification methods. Recorded species were divided into forest and non−forest groups and additionally for trees and shrubs, and the others, containing dwarf shrub, herb, bryophyte and lichen species. The linear regression method was used to estimate the relationship between measured parameters, vegetation change and changes in the species richness of distinguished groups. Two processes of vegetation reaction were observed. The first was classified as regeneration and occurred within surface burnt plots. Its characteristic feature included the higher increase in forest species richness than in case of non−forest species. The other process was defined as secondary succession alike. It occurred on plots with highest burnout of soil organic matter horizon. The increase of richness of non−forest species predominated within it. The change between two processes is smooth and depends on the participation of area with complete burnout of soil organic horizon within plot. The results show, that more than one process of recovery of community can occur in the same site and it depends especially on the proportion of soil organic horizon area burnout.









Opis fizyczny



  • Samodzielny Zakład Botaniki Leśnej, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, ul.Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa
  • Zespół ds. Nauki i Monitoringu Przyrody, Kampinoski Park Narodowy, ul.Tetmajera 38, 05-080 Izabelin


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