Zakład Chorób Świń, Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach, Puławy
1. Sánchez-Vizcaíno J. M., Mur L., Sánchez-Matamoros A., Martínez-López B.: African swine fever: new challengesand measures to prevent its spread. 82nd General SessionWorld Assembly, World Organisation for Animal Health(OIE), Paris, 25–30 May, 2014, 1–10.
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3. Markowska-Daniel I., Pejsak Z.: Afrykański pomór świń. Życie Wet. 2014, 89, 191–196.
4. Pejsak Z., Truszczyński M.: Produkcja i problemy zdrowotne świń w wybranych krajach Azji. Życie Wet. 2014,89, 504–507.
5. Sánchez-Vizcaíno J. M., Mur L.: African swine fever diagnosis update. Vaccines and Diagnostics for TransboundaryAnimal Diseases. Ed. 1, Karger, 2013, 135, 159–165.
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7. Sánchez-Vizcaíno J. M., Neira M. A.: African Swine Fever Virus. W: Zimmerman J., Karriker L., Ramírez A.,Shwartz K., Stevenson G. (edit.): Diseases of Swine.10th ed., Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa 2012,s. 396–404.
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9. Sanchez-Botija C.: Reservorios del virus de la peste porcina Africana. Investigación del virus de la PPA en los artrópodos mediante la prueba de la hemoadsordción. Bull. Off. Int. Epizoot. 1963, 60, 895–899.
10. World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE): African swine fever. [w:] Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. OIE Paris, France, 2012, seventh ed., 2, s. 1067–1079.
11. Mur L., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez-Aviles M., Costard S., Wieland B., Pfeiffer D. U., Sanchez-Vizcaino J. M.: Quantitative risk assessment for the introduction of African swine fever virus into the European Union by legal import of live pigs. Transb. Emerg. Dis. 2012, 59, 134–144.
12. Costard S., Jones B. A., Martínez-López B., Mur L., de la Torre A., Martínez M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno F., Sánchez--Vizcaíno J. M., Pfeiffer D. U., Wieland B.: Introduction ofAfrican Swine Fever into the European Union through IllegalImportation of Pork and Pork Products. PLoS ONE2013, 8 (4):e61104.
13. Mur L., Martínez-López B., Sanchez-Vizcaíno J. M.: Risk of African swine fever introduction into the EuropeanUnion through transport-associated routes: returningtrucks and waste from international ships and planes.BMC Vet. Res. 2012, 8, 149.
14. De la Torre A., Bosch J., Iglesias I., Muñoz M. J., Mur L., Martínez-López B., Martínez M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J. M.: Assessing the risk of African swine fever introduction into the European Union (EU) by wild boar. Transb. Emerg. Dis. 2013, doi: 10.1111/tbes.12129.
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17. Schneider M., Sharma S.: Miracle? Agribusiness and Development in China’s Pork Industry. W: Global Meat Complex:The China Series China’s Pork. Institute for Agricultureand Trade Policy. 2014.
18. McOrist S., Khampee K., Guo A.: Modern pig farming in the People’s Republic of China: growth and veterinary challenges. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. epiz. 2011, 30,961–968.
19. Laddomada A., Patta C., Oggiano A., Caccia A., Ruiu A., Cossu P., Firinu A.: Epidemiology of classical swine feverin Sardinia: a serological survey of wild boar and comparisonwith African swine fever. Vet. Rec. 1994, 134,183–187.
20. Mur L., Martínez-López B., Gallardo C., Gortazar C., Sánchez- Vizcaíno J. M.: Monitoring of African Swine Feverin the Wild Boar Population of the most Recent EndemicArea of Spain. Transb. Emerg. Dis. 2012, 59, 526–531.
21. Mur L., Gallardo C., Soler A., Zimmermman J., Pelayo V., Nieto R., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J. M., Arias M.: Potential useof oral fluid samples for serological diagnosis of Africanswine fever. Vet. Microbiol. 2013, 165, 135–139.
22. Diaz A. V., Netherton C. L., Dixon L. K., Wilson A. J.: African swine fever virus strain Georgia 2007/1 in Ornithodoros erraticus ticks. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 2012, 18,1026–1028.