The matter of humanistic character of man-object relations belongs to the foundations of ergonomics and design as well. It determines the way in which ergonomics/design is understood and practised. The question about the humanistic threshold in man-object relations is, on the one hand a question about the moment when an object becomes a cultural one, that is when and ho w it transgresses its natural material structure, and on the other hand, it is a question about the moment when a man becomes and is a human being in its full, proper and true meaning of this word (homo humanum). That is to say, whether he is only a physical, chemical, biological, physiological, psychical or social creature, like any animal, or whether he is something more. Human nature is not fulfilled in relations with objects. A human being in a man realizes in relation to another man, to Somebody. Usually this dramaturgical relation demands the presence of some objects, and sometimes objects are the cause of such a relation. Objects find their reason of existence and of their form in this relation. An object, which does not open you towards another man is immoral.