Sulphur as a plant nutrient (C, H, O, N) is the main element of producing organic crops. It is a constitutional element, and participates in enzymatic processes. The aim of this paper is to present the principal function of the metabolism and physiological function of sulphur in plants and the role of this component in the creating mechanisms of plant resistance caused by biotic stresses. According to studies, the mineral nutrition of plants is considered as one of the primary barriers to reduce infection disease. The nutritional status of sulphur substantially determines the physiological property of plants to control infection by pathogens. Supply of the plant with sulphur is of particular importance in creating mechanisms of plant resistance caused by biotic stresses in the early stages of pathogenicity. Some sulphur compounds in plants (secondary metabolites, derivatives cyst: Glutathione (GHS), sulfolipidy, glucosinolate (GSL), phytoalexins, alliins, H2S) that give the plant resistance (SIR-sulphur induced resistance) to numerous diseases, especially caused by pathogenic fungi. Sulphur not only affects the increase in yield of plants, the increase in seed protein, fat, improve technological characteristics of grain, but also increases the resistance of plants to abiotic degradation stress (drought, temperature, heavy metals) and biotic (pests and diseases, fungi and some bacteria).