Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena dobrostanu loch utrzymywanych systemem indywidualnym i grupowym. Materiał badawczy stanowiły 103 lochy luźne, użytkowane w 15 chlewniach zarodowych w województwie podkarpackim. Dobrostan badanych loch oceniano za pomocą kryterium behawioralnego, fizjologicznego, zdrowotnego, produkcyjnego. Ogólnej oceny poziomu dobrostanu dokonano na podstawie wyznaczonych punktów kontroli. Podsumowując uzyskane wyniki, stwierdzono wyższy poziom dobrostanu u loch utrzymywanych w systemie grupowym.
The aim of the study was to assess the welfare level of sows kept in group and individual housing systems. The research material included 103 non-pregnant sows, raised in 15 pedigree herds in the Podkarpackie voivodeship. The welfare of investigated sows was estimated based on behavioural, healing, physiological and reproductive criterion. The general assessment of welfare level was accomplished on the ground of assigned points of control. Recapitulating the research results, it was certified that higher level of welfare occurred in sows in group housing system. The highest proportion of animals showing the abnormal behaviours was recorded for non-pregnant sows in the individual housing system. Haptoglobin concentration in non-pregnant sows’ serum varied between the studied housing systems. The lowest average level of haptoglobin was found in the group housing system. Higher proportion of animals with diseases and injuries of the body was shown in individual keeping system. Leg deformations, contusions and fractures were noticed most often in this keeping system. Longer length of breeding performance and lifespan were characterized by sows in group housing system. The analysis of critical points of control showed that welfare of the studied sows in group housing system was maintained mostly on a high level and in individual housing system – on medium level.