II Laboratory of General Virology, The Veterinary Research Institute, Pulawy, Poland
1. Granoff A.: Studies on Mixed Infection with Newcastle Disease Virus. Virology 9 (4) 636-670, 1959.
2. Hamparian V. V., Hilleman M. R., Ketler A.: Contributions to Characterization and Classification of Animal Viruses. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 112 (4) 1040-1050, 1963.
3. Hanson R. P., Brandly C. A.: Newcastle Disease. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 70 (3) 585-597, 1958.
4. Nitzschke E., Schmittdiel E.: Zur Thermoresistenz des Hämagglutinins als kennzeichnendes Merkmal von Virusstämmen der Newcastle Krankheit. Zbl. Vet. Med. Reine B 10 (2) 121-126, 1963.
5. Wallis C., Melnick J. L.: Stabilization of Poliovirus by Cations. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 19 (3) 683-700, 1961.
6. Wallis C., Melnick J. L.: Cationic Inactivation of Vacuolating Virus (SV₄₀) in Poliovirus Suspensions. Texas Rep. Biol. Med. 19 (3) 701-705, 1961.
7. Wallis C., Melnick J. L.: Magnesium Chloride Enhancement of Cell Susceptibility to Poliovirus. Virology 16 (2) 122-132, 1962.
8. Wallis C., Melnick J. L.: Cationic Stabilization - A New Property of Enteroviruses. Virology 16 (4) 504-506, 1962.
9. Wallis C., Melnick J. L.: Effect of Organic Acids on Poliovirus at 50°C. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 111, 305-308, 1962.