The surgical correction of the iatrogenic quadriceps muscle contracture and the corrective insertiotomy of the semitendinosus muscle performed as a second stage surgery was described as two separate cases. In the first case (boxer, eight month old) using a long parapatellar approache the vestus lateralis muscle was uncovered and dissected longitudinally to the point 10 cm above the patella. Adherent to the femur vestus intermedius muscle eas divided as far to the hip as possible. The U-shaped flap of the muscle rectus femoris at its insertion was created to make the muscle longer. Additionally, the bilateral capsulotomy and desmotomy of the femoro-patellar ligaments associated with the dissection of the proximal femoro-patellar pouch were made. The Robert-Jones bandage in 90° of flexion stifle was applied for 7 days. The normal gait recurred after one month from the operation. In second case (fox-terrier, 6 months old) at one month after surgical correction of the IV° patellar luxation, the last sign of disease, which was the contracture of the semitendinosus muscle was definitivelly overcame through its insertiotomy. The long time follow-up was good in both cases.