Alien tree species, due to their longevity, manifest their invasive potential after several decades from introduction. For the high threat to biodiversity, there is a need to analyze the risk of introduction connected with numerous alien tree species introduced in the various forest ecosystems. We aimed to assess the productivity potential and effect of alien Carya ovata on understory vegetation. Our study was conducted in the oldest (122 years old) tree stand of C. ovata in Poland, located in the Czerniejewo Forest District (western Poland). We analyzed C. ovata tree stand features and vegetation traits within the forest community and compared with natural vegetation – oak−hornbeam forest. We found that C. ovata trees had lower dimensions and standing volume than oaks (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) growing in the neighborhood. We also did not find the impact of C. ovata stands on understory vegetation species composition and light availability. Because of the low impact on forest floor vegetation and lack of spread we concluded that C. ovata cannot be classified as an invasive species. Moreover, its introduction was not successful in terms of tree stand productivity.