In recent years the intensified consumer-consciousness has clearly determined the decisions of the consumers. A primary research was carried out among students in Hungary in the spring of 2010, which focused on a special segment, the attitude of the environment-conscious consumers and the demographic features affecting them. The decisions of the environment-conscious consumers, who keep in mind the interest of others, are clearly determined by the factors such as which lifecycle they are in, social status, marital status, gender and qualifications. According to research result the female members (in relationship, with children and high qualifications) of the elder generation group are significantly more environment-conscious than those with other demographic features. The research also pointed out that from the environment-consciousness point of view not all the demographic features are influencing factors. The role of income and place of residence is not relevant from this point of view. However, the significance of the attitudes from the research point of view are very important as there is a medium, and positive correlation between the actual behaviour and attitudes.
Świadomość konsumenta w widoczny sposób określała jego decyzje zakupowe. W 2010 r. przeprowadzono badania wśród węgierskich studentów, które obejmowały zachowania konsumentów traktujących środowisko w świadomy sposób i cechy demograficzne mające na nich wpływ. Decyzje konsumentów traktujących środowisko w świadomy sposób, mających na uwadze dobro innych, były wyraźnie uwarunkowane czynnikami, takimi jak okres życia, w którym się znajdują, status społeczny, status materialny, płeć i wykształcenie.