The business experts could witness major changes in the targets of intemational Capital flow during the last two decades. The Central-Eastem European economic and social transition that was started in the early I990s has created good conditions for the intemational investments. The new target of foreign direct investments - besides the Asian regions - depended on the changes of political and economic system going on in the countries concerned. The different pace of changes and the privatization of state properties determined the share of individual countries from the capital import. The early eminent countries were replaced by new eminent ones, and the capital inflow replaced brown field investments - that dominated at the beginning - with green field investments. The paper examines the worldwide and regional tendencies of foreign direct investments of the I990’s and the 2000’s, the share of individual countries within the region as well as the changes in the sectoral distribution. Relations are searched for the changes of position of Hungary, as well as among the economic-social processes in the country.
Na podstawie analizy procesów gospodarczych w latach 1990 i 2000 w artykule przedstawiono oceną restrukturyzacji bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych, w tym inwestycji w przemyśle rolno-spożywczym. Badanie skupiło sią szczególnie na pięciu krajach Środkowo-Wschodniej Europy, tj: Czechach, Polsce, Węgrzech, Słowenii i Słowacji. W przypadku Wągier została także przedstawiona struktura sektorowa inwestycji kapitałowych.