The author, having analysed a dozen or so formulae characterising the continentalism of climate, states that none of them gives satisfactory results. The author introduced into the climatological literature a new formula defining the continental features of climate at various latitudes of the globe and on the smaller areas (Europe, Poland), this formula making use of the meridianal profile of the average air temperature and of the percentage share of continental areas within the ten-degree latitude zone around the parallel considered. The highest scientific value ought to be assigned to the publications concerning the precipitation field in the north-western part of Poland, its conditioning, and temporal changes. These studies were brought to a synthesis in the D.Sc. dissertation, a publication of the methodological-cognitive character, distinct among the existing climatological literature both by its very statistical modelling of the precipitation field and by a deep insight into the explanation of the zones of precipitation in Europe and in Poland. This resulted first of all from the good knowledge of the atmospheric processes, shaped by the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea, as well as the surface relief. An original explanation is provided of the specific role played by the coastal line of the Baltic Sea in the shaping of the precipitation field. The cycional spin of the western wind (gradient-wise), caused by the fact that the forces of friction existing between the air stream and the bedding differ for the sea and the land, brings about the so-called coastal convergence, due to which abundant precipitation occurs in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. One should also indicate that A. Ewert developed a new concept of the objective climatic division of the area of Poland.