Studies on the health behaviors of students gained in importance in the context of assessing the effectiveness of the health-related prevention programmes and the health education itself. The aim of the study was to assess health behavior undertaken by students of pedagogy, which in their work should promote a healthy lifestyle. The study comprised a group of 86 female students of the Jacob of Paradyż University in Gorzow Wielkopolski (former PWSZ). The study used the Health Behaviors Inventory (IZZ) according to Zygfryd Juczyński. In a global assessment of health behaviors the average IZZ was 78.42 points which corresponds to the sten score of 5 and is interpreted as an average result in its lower range. The results indicate that the extent of adverse health behaviors is large and justifies concerns about the health of the surveyed women and shows that the tested group of future teachers are not yet prepared to promote healthy behaviors.