Laboratorium Biologicznych Metod Walki, Instytut Ochrony Roślin w Poznaniu, Poznań
1. Bonnet., D. D., Hu, S. M. K.: The introduction of Toxorhynchites brevipalpis Theobald into the territory of Hawaii - Hawaii Ent. Proc., 14: 237-242, 1951.
2. Briggs, J. D.: Bacterial control techniques. W ''Biological Control of Insect, of Medical Importance", s. 28-2. AIBS, Washington, 144 s., 1960.
3. Corliss, J. O.: Tetrahymena chironomi sp. nov., a ciliate from midge larvae and the current status of facultative parasitism of in the genus Tetrahymena. - Parasitol., 50: 111-153, 1960.
4. Couch, J. N.: Some fungal parasites of mosquitoes. W "Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance", s. 35-47. AIBS, Washington, 144 s., 1960.
5. Dunn, P. H.: Control of house flies in bovine feces by a feed additive containing Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis. - Berliner. Jour. Insect Pathol., 2: 13-16, 1960.
6. Harvey, T. L., Brethouh, J. R.: Feed additives for control of house fly larvae in livestock feces. - Jour. Econ. Entomol., 53: 774-776, 1960.
7. Hase, A.: Zur Frage der Bettwanzenbekampfung durchsogenannte biologischeVerforhen. - Naturwissenschaften, 18: 23, 1934.
8. Holland, E. A.: An experiment in the control of malaria in New Ireland by distribution of Cambusia affinis. - Royol Sos. Trop. Med. Hyg. 26: 529-538. 1933.
9. Jenkins, D. W.: Pathogens, parsites and predators of medically important insects. W "Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance", ss. 6-16. AIBS, Washington, 144 s, 1960.
10. Kellen, W. R., Lipa, J. J.: Thelohania californica n. sp., a microsporidian parasite of Culex tarsalis Coquilett. - Jour. Insect Pathol., 2: 1-12, 1960.
11. Kellen, W. R.: Microsporidia and larval control. - Mosquito News, 22, 87-95, 1962.
12. Kozłowski, S.: Pierwsze doniesienia na temat akariozy owadów. Wiad. Parazytol., 6: 747-749, 1958.
13. Kramer, J. P.: Herpetomonas muscarum (Leidy) in the haemocoele of larval Musca domestica. - Entomol. News, 72: 165-166, 1961.
14. Laird, M.: Coelomomyces, and the biological control of mosquitoes. W „Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance". s. 84-92. AIBS, Washington, 144 s., 1960.
15. Kudo, R. R.: Protozoan parasites in certain insects of medical importance. W.,Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance", s. 49-65. ATBS. Washington, 144 s., 1960.
16. Lorando, N. T. : A biological method of destroying bedbugs. - Scient. Mon., 29: 265-268, 1929.
17. Lipa: J. J.: Mikrobiologiczne insektycydy. - Post. Nauk Roln., 3: 21-34. 1960.
18. Lipa, J. J. : Protozoan Infections other than Sporozoan. W „Insect Pathology : An Advanced Treatise'' (red. E. A. Steinhaus) v. 2. s. 335-361. Academic Press, New York, 6 ss., 1963a.
19. Lipa, J. J.: Polska bibliografia chorób owadów. Część: I. Choroby i mikrobialre zwalczanie szkodliwych owadów. - Prace Inst. Ochrony Roślin 5: 3-101, 1963b.
20. Parman, D. C.: Experimental dissemination of the tabanid egg parasite Phanurus emersoni Cirault and biological notes on the species. - U. S. Dept.. Agr. Circ., 18: 1-6, 1924.
21. Rukhadze, N. P.: Gambusia in Abkhasia. - Med. Parasit., 3: 60- 68, 1934.
22. Sailer, R. I.: Insect parasites and predators of medically important insects. W "Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance". s. 77-82. AIBS, Washington. 144a, 1960.
23. Sautet, J.: Household invasion by Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Teutana triangulosa: an ixodiphagous role of the spider. - Ann. Porasit. hum. et comp., 14: 126-129, 1936.
24. Steinhaus, E. A. ; Bacterial and viral diseanses of insects of medical importance. W "Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance”, s. 21-27. AIBS, Washington, 144 s., 1960.
25. Wallace, F. C.: Flagelate parasites of mosquitoes with special reference to Crithidia fasciculata Leger, 1902. - J. Parasit., 29: 195-205, 1943.
26. Weiser, J.: Advances in biological control in relation to vectors of human diseases. World Health Org., Seminar on Vector Control Geneva, 5-9. XI. 1962.
27. Weiser, J.: Diseases of insects of medical importance in Europe. - Bull. World Health Org., 28: 121-127, 1963.
28. Welch, H. E.: Potentialities of nematodes in the biological control of insects of medical importance. W "Biological Control of Insects of Medical Importance", s. 67-75. AIBS, Washington, 144 s., 1960.
29. Zwolski, W. : Mustyki (Simuliidae) Lubelszczyzny. - Annales Univ. M. C. S. , Lublin. v. 13. Sec. C : 231-259. 1959.