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2012 | 28 | 4 |

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The influence of business cycle fluctuations on structural mismatches on the labor market


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In the literature structural mismatches on the labor market are often characterized as insensitive to economic growth fluctuations. However, in this article the following hypothesis has been stated: that business cycle fluctuations affect the level of structural mismatches on the labor market in terms of qualifications; moreover, the higher the rate of economic growth, the lower is the level of structural mismatches. Verification of this hypothesis was based both on a qualitative and quantitative analysis. The quantitative one was done with the use of Granger causality tests conducted for a group of 29 developed countries for the period 2004q3 - 2012q2 with the use of two different indicators of structural mismatches. Both the quantitative and qualitative analyses confirm the stated hypothesis.









Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Macroeconomics and National Economy Research, Poznan University of Economics, Niepodleglosci 10, 61-875 Poznan, Poland


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