Morus genus includes more than 20 species, some of which are commercially important mulberries with different fruit color and shape. Even though the trees of those species are propagated by rooting of cuttings in practice, mulberry seeds are of importance for breeding studies and rootstock seedling propagation. For that reason, this study was conducted to improve the seed performance of four mulberry species by different pre-sowing treatments including; 3% KNO3, GA3 at 500 ppm, organic priming with herbal tea brewed from marigold flowers petals and hydro priming. Results of the parameters of emergence characteristics and seedling vigor were evaluated. According to the results that varied between different species and pre-treatments, since emergence percentage and time, and seedling vigor were improved by the treatments, it was concluded that pre-sowing applications, especially GA3 and hydro priming, were beneficial in improving the seed performance of mulberry species included in the study.