Both for Hungarian and Polish cattle and beef production important to utilize non-EU markets because both countries are net exporter and cannot sell all products on inner and EU markets. In this paper we aimed to examine trends of Hungarian and Polish cattle and beef export to non-EU markets between 2002 and 2015. Primary we established that both studied countries have the same non-EU target markets with the highest importance of Turkey and Russia. During the examined period several changes were resulted for example the decrease of Turkish market and the Russian embargo. The Russian market for Hungary and the Turkish market for Poland afford a higher export price and higher purchasing power than all other non-EU trade-partners accordingly the trade to these countries was the highest between 2002 and 2015. Additionally also important Hungarian and Polish target markets are Belarus, Ukraine and Croatia (EU member only since 2013) but price level for these countries were varying in the studied period in case of both origin countries. By these reasons both Hungary and Poland have difficulties to maintain cattle and beef markets in partner countries according to Herfindahl Hirsmann index.
Podjęto próbę oceny handlu zagranicznego Polski i Węgier poza 28 krajów Unii Europejskiej w 2015 roku Posłużono się wskaźnikami koncentracji. Stwierdzono, że oba te kraje miały podobne rynki docelowe w odniesieniu do eksportu bydła i wołowiny – obejmowały one takie kraje, jak: Białoruś, Ukraina i Chorwacja. Wskazano także na znaczenie przewag konkurencyjnych w długookresowym utrzymaniu pozycji konkurencyjnej na tych rynkach.