In the EBM era, the clinical neurophysiology (CNF) diagnostic tools, are important because of quantifying in SI units the effects of physiotherapy of the patients with central nervous system damage. In relation to those patients physiotherapy constitutes a key link in which the physiotherapist play a key role. The students of physiotherapy, as well as of the medicine faculties, are not trained by professional clinical neurophysiologists. To show that, in conformity with the standards of physiotherapy education, there is a need to teach CNF as a separate study subject. There are possibilities to reliably utilize the existing in the country professional human capital, that can introduce the lectures and practical training of CNF into the physiotherapy and medicine faculties curricula. To perform an initial assessment to estimate: 1) which issues of CNF are implemented in core standards of education of the physiotherapy and medicine faculty students; 2) in which and how many of the country discricts tertiary education have faculties of physiotherapy; 3) in which districts, bordered territorially by these higher education schools, there sre establischments licensed to conduct training in CNF; 4) what type of scientific status have persons certified in CNF, who are listed in the districts with physiotherapy faculties. 5) how many physicians and teachers of physical culture have received scientific degrees for CNF research associated with rehabilitation and physiotherapy. The need to include CNF into the undergraduate education curricula of the physiotherapists can be executed by utilizing the existing human resources and infrastructure.