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Pradziejowe użytkowanie terenu a główne fazy akumulacji pokryw stokowych na stanowisku archeologicznym w Bruszczewie (Wielkopolska)

Treść / Zawartość

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Prehistoric landform use and main phases slope covers accumulation on the archeological site in Bruszczewo (Great Poland)

Języki publikacji



Slope covers can be used in archeology as a source for the study of manlandscape relations. An example of this type of research carried out at an archeological site is Bruszczewo no 5 situated 60 km south of Poznań. As to culture, relics from site no 5 at Bruszczewo span a segment of prehistory from the early Bronze Age to the period of Roman influence (from ca. 4000 BP to ca. 1500 BP). There are also early medieval ceramics there. The analysis of the distribution of the slope covers at the archeological site was carried out on the basis of geomagnetic sounding of the site, excavations, and geological sounding. The slope covers in question are deposited primarily in the moat and the scarp zones of the site, to a much lesser extent also in the peatbog zone. In those various zones the following stages of slope wash sedimentation can be distinguished: (1) the early Bronze Age stage associated with Unetician culture, (2) one associated with the Bronze Age (Lusatian culture), and (3) modern colluvial deposits (mixed archeological material from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages).

Słowa kluczowe






Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Paleogeografii i Geoekologii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, 61-680 Poznań


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