Flys I.M. Main reąuirements to the innovative projects in the programs of the villages and their territories development / I.M.Flys II East-West Magazine of new technologies. - 2010. -1/3(43)-p. 61-63.
Flys I.M. Identefication of projects value for rural territories I I.M.Flys II Theses of the VII International conference «The projects management in society development». Theme: Projects and programs management for organizations value development. - Account, for an issue prof. S.D.Bushuev. - K. : KNUBA, 2010 - p. 208-209.
Flys I.M. Innovative projects identefication and harmonization of project environment in the pro-grammes of development of AIC I I.M.Flys II East-West Magazine of new technologies. -2011. - 1/6(49) - p. 57-59.
Flys I.M. An eąuipment choice for smali reprocessing enterprise on the coefficients of ponderability basis I I.M.Flys, S.V.Syrotjuk II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №4. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2000. - p.41-43.
Flys I.M. The Scientifically methodical grounding of specialization and power of reprocessing enterprise I Ekology-ekonomical problems of development of AIC: Materials of International scientifically-practical conference, devoted 10th the anniversary of Conference of UNO on ąuestions of guard of environment and development (t. Dublyany, September, 25-27 2002). - V.l. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2002. - p. 285-290.
Sydorchuk О.Ѵ. The functional structure theory development of materiał production / O.V.Sydorchuk II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №7. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2003. - p. 3-8.
Sydorchuk О.Ѵ. A functional structure of reprocessing enterprises in their projects I O.V.Sydorchuk, I.M.Flys II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №8. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2004. - p. 82-88.
Flys I.M. Grounding of the reprocessing enterprise production programme / I.M.Flys II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №8. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2004. -p. 75-81.
Flys I.M. Technological features of functional structure forming of reprocessing enterprises / I.M.Flys II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №9. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2004. - p.60-64.
Flys I.M. A management of the smali processing enterprises production programmes in their proj-ects I I.M.Flys II Scientific messages of the International humanitarian university: Collection I Edited by prof. Rybak A.I. - Odessa : Intern. Humanit. Un-ty, 2009. - Iss. 16,- Series : «Projects and programs management». - p. 28-33.
Flys I. Engineer project management by production and processing complexes / I. Flys II MO-TROL-2010 . - Motorization and power industry in agriculture. - Tom 12. - Lublin, 2010. -p. 75-81.
Flys I.M. Engineering providing of complexity of agricultural raw materiał reprocessing I I.M.Flys, J.V.Shymonjuk, O.G.Gordijuk II Announcer of Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №9. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2004. - p. 65-69.
Sydorchuk О.Ѵ. A method of determination of harvest of agricultural cultures losses as a result of ill-timed implementation of the mechanized processes of field-crop cultivation I O.V.Sydorchuk, S.R.Senchuk, P.M.Lub, A.V.Tatomyr, А.Ѵ.ВигуІко II MOTROL-2005 . - Motorization and power industry in agriculture. - Vol. 7. - Odessa, 2005. - p. 87-91.
Flys I.M. The reprocessing enterprises programmes management in their projects / I.M.Flys II The agroindustrial engineering in measurings of thrift / Edited by prof. O.D.Semkovich, O.V.Sydorchuk, I.M.Flys, S.J.Kovalyshyn. - Lviv : Lviv State Agrar. Un-ty, 2006. - 318 p.
Flys I.M. The projects Development of the сотріех reprocessing of agricultural raw materiał in economies II Announcer of agrarian science . - K. - 2006. - Special issue, August. - p.121-125.
Flys I.M. The production programme management of smali reprocessing enterprise in its project I Theses of International conference II Projects management in society development. - Theme: The organization development programmes management in competition surroundings: Materials of the IV International conference. - K. : KNUBA, 2007. -p.153-155.
Flys I., Kupriyenko M. The engineering management of сотріех processing of agricultural raw materials in economies I The 31st Presentation of Scientific Papers conference at the Univer-sity in Novi Sad, 19-20.11.2007. - p. 134-139.
Tatomyr А.Ѵ. A configuration management in theprojects I A.V.Tatomyr, R.E.Krygul, M.M. Babich IIMOTROL-2007. - Motorization and power industry in agriculture. - Ѵоіите 9a. - Lublin, 2007. - p. 89-94.
Flys I.M. Methodology of projects identefication of production and reprocessing complexes I Theses of International conference of II Management projects are in development of society. - Theme: A professional projects management is a way to the increase of assets of organiza-tions: Materials of the V International conference. - K.: KNUBA, 2008. - p. 210-212.
Flys I.M. Project identefication of production and reprocessing сотріехе / Announcer of Lviv National Agrar. Un-ty: Agroengineerings researches №12. - Vol. 1. - Lviv : Lviv Nation. Agrar. Un-ty, 2008,- p.46-50.
Flys I.M. The calculation of the production programme of processing enterprise II Engineering of agroindustrial production: Scientists of mechanics and power energy faculty for the production: Collective monograph. - Vip. 2 I by editor W.Snitinskij. - Lviv : Lviv Nation. Agrar. Un-ty, 2008,- p.75-76.