When CB (chemical and biological) armor is applied as protection against CB accidents and CB terrorism and to remove the consequences of contamination, one of the principal activities is performing final decontamination. For this purpose, caporit (calcium hypochlorite) in water solution is, we believe, the most frequently used material. This is an inorganic substance with active chlorine. When solution is properly prepared, it is useful, economical, effective, and applicable for decontamination and desinfection activities. Production of this material consists of finding production materials, collecting them, proper equipment use, quantifying, preparing both the production area and the equipment, solution production, effectiveness control, and, finally, the use of product made. Technology depends on quality and quantity of repro material in disposal, aperature, and equipment, employees' education, business organization, and protective measures during the working process. In terms of highly-toxic chemical and biological contamination it is necessary to perform chemical and biological decontamination as soon as possible.