Celem artykułu było przedstawienie stanu wdrożenia normy ISO 14001 w Europie na tle doświadczeń światowych. W artykule zaprezentowano system zarządzania środowiskiem pod kątem wymagań, jakie muszą spełniać przedsiębiorstwa, które zamierzają ubiegać się o przyznanie certyfikatu na zgodność z normą ISO 14001.
Until 2009 more than 78 100 environmental management systems have been implemented in more than 100 countries around the World. Interest in implementing the EMS in based on the ISO 14001 standard. Many companies recognize the standard as an appropriate model for implementation of the system. It has to be noted that the European Commission in parallel with ISO 14001 promotes the EMAS system that can provide guidance for improvement for organizations which have already implemented the ISO 14001. In 2011, 4545 EMAS certificates were issued in Europe, mostly in Germany, Spain and Italy. In Poland, 25 certificates were issued.