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1960 | 06 | 5 |

Tytuł artykułu

Zastosowanie izotopów promieniotwórczych w helmintologii


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The appliance of radioactive isotops in helmintology
Primenenie izychajushhikh izotopov v gel'mintologii

Języki publikacji



On the ground of literature there was given a revue of papers concerning the appliance of radioactive isotops: in the fighting of parasites (e. g. Ascaris and Trichinella), in the investigations concerning the spreading of medicines in the host and parasites and in the investigations of changes occuring in the organism of host during invasion. There follow summaries of some papers concerning physiology, their biology and biochemistry.








Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Parazytologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa


  • 1. Alicata J. E., Burr G. O.: Preliminary observations on the biological effects of radiation on the life cycle of Trichinella spiralis. - Science, 109, 2841: 595-596, 1949.
  • 2. Asami K., Kobyashi A., Saito S.: Observations on the ovocidal effects of irradiation with cobalt-60 on the development of Ascaris lumbricoides ova. - Jap. J. Parasit., 4, 4: 331-336, 1955.
  • 3. Boldyrewa N. W.: Razliczije w raspriedielienji radioaktiwnogo fosfora w tkaniach cipliat zdrowych i inwazirowanych singamusami. - Rabaty po Gelmintologii, k. 80-letiu Ak. K. I. Skriabina, 86-88, 1958.
  • 4. Brady F.,J., Lawton A. H., Cowie D. B., Andrews H. L., Ness A. T., Ogden G. E. : Localisation of trivalent radioactive antimony following intravenous administration to dog infected with Dirofilaria immitis. -Am. J. Trop. Med., 25, 2: 103-107, 1945.
  • 5. Chandler A C., Read C. P., Nicholas H. O.: Observations of certain phases of nutrition and host parasite relations of Hymenolepis diminuta in white rats. - J. Parasit., 36: 523-535, 1950.
  • 6. Clark C. H., Woodley C. H.: The absorption of red blood cells after parenteral injection at various sites. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 20, 79: 1062-1066, 1959 a.
  • 7. Clark C. H., Woodley C. H. : The effects of certain diseases and transfusion methods on the life span of red blood cells. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 20, 79 : 1069-1071, 1959b.
  • 8. Cowie D. B., Lawton A. H., Ness A. T., Brady F. J., Ogden C. E.: Localisation of radioactive antimony following multiple daily infections to a dog infected with Dirofilaria immitis. - J. Wash. Ac. Sc., 35, 6: 192-195, 1945.
  • 9. Entner N., Gonzalez C.: Fate of glukose in Ascaris lumbricoides. - Exp. Parasit., 8, 5: 471-479, 1959.
  • 10. Esserman H. B., Sambell P. M.: The uptake of radioactive phosphate by nematode parasites and by tissues of the sheep. - Austr. J. Sc. Res., ser. B Biol. Sc., 4, 4: 575-580, 1951.
  • 11. Fairbairn D.: The metabolism of Heterakis gallinae. II Carbon Dioxide fixation. - Exp. Parasit., 3, 1: 32-63, 1954.
  • 12. Gerritsen Th., Heinz H.,J., Stafford G. H.: Estimation of blood loss in hookworm infestation with Fe - Science, 119, 3091: 412-413, 1954.
  • 13. Gomberg H. J., Gould S. E.: Effect of irradiation with cobalt-60 on trichma larvae. - Science. 118, 3055 : 75-77, 1953.
  • 14. Gould S. E.: Recommendations adopted bv second National Conference on trichinosis. - Am. J. Clin. Path. 24, 5, 1954.
  • 15. Gould S, E., Gomberg S. E., Bethell E. H.: Prevention of trichinosis by gamma irradiation of pork as a public health mesure. - Am. J. Publ. Health and Nations Health., 43, 12: 1550-1557, 1553.
  • 16. Hahn P. F., Offutt E. P.: A method of the study of blood loss in hookworm infestations. - Science, 110, 2870: 711-713. 1949.
  • 17. Lawton A. H., Ness A. T., Brady F. J., Cawie D. B.: Distribution of radioactive arsenie following intraperitoneal injection of sodium arsenite into cotton rats infected with Litomosoides carini. - Science, 102 : 120-122, 1945.
  • 18. Lazarus M., Rogers W. P.: Uptake of phenothizine labeled with sulphur-35 by tissues of nematode parasits and their host. - Nature, 166, 4224: 647-648, 1950.
  • 19. Mc Coy O. R., Downing V. F.: The penetration of radioactive phosphorus into encysted trichinella larvae. - J. Parasit.. 25, 6, Suppl. 80, 1939.
  • 20. Mc Coy O. R., Downing V. F., Van Voorhis S. N.: The penetration of radioactive phosphorus into encysted trichinella larvae. - J. Parasit., 27, 1: 53-56, 1941.
  • 21. Morisita G., Kobayashi M., Nagata J.: On the hookworm infection circuit traced with isotope P³² marked larvae. - Jap. J. Exp. Med., 23, 6: 531-536, 1953.
  • 22. Nyberg W. : Uptake of Co-60 - labeled vitamin B-12 in the fish tapeworm. - V Kongress der Europaischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Göttingen-Heidelberg, 1955, 58-60.
  • 23. Nyberg W.: The uptake and distribution of Co⁶⁰-labeled vitamin B₁₂ by the fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothrium latum. - Exp. Parasit., 7,2: 178-190, 1958.
  • 24. Prescott D. M., Voge M.: Autoradiographic study of synthesis of ribonucleic acids in cysticercoids of Hymenolepis diminuta. - J. Parasit., 45, 6: 578-590, 1959.
  • 25. Read C. P.: The acquisition of isotopically labeled inorganic phosphate by the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta, with some remarks on the host-parasite relationship. - J. Parasit. 36, 1: 34-40, 1950.
  • 26. Read C. P.: Studies on the enzymes and intermedia te products of carbohydrate dagradation in the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta. - Exp. Parasit., 1, 1: 1-18, 1951.
  • 27. Roche M., Perez-Gimenez M. E, Layrisse M., Prisco E.: Study of urinari and fecal excretion of radioactive chromium Cr⁵¹ in man. Its use the measurement of intestinal blood loss associated with hookworm infection. J. Clin. Invest., 36, 7, 1957.
  • 28. Rogers W. P., Lazarus M.: The uptake of radioactive phosphorus from host tissues and fluids by nematode parasites. - Parasit., 39, 314: 245-250, 1949.
  • 29. Saito S.: Observations on the effects on irradiation with cobalt-60 on the development of Ascaris lumbricoides ova. II. Differences if sensitibity in various developmental stages. - Jap. J. Parasit., 6, 2: 75-81, 1957.
  • 30. Seide J.: Zur Kenntnis der biologischen Strahlenwirkung Untersuchungen an Ascaris-Ei mit Ultravioletten, Röntgen und Radiumstrahlen. - Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 124: 252-304, 1925.
  • 31. Szichobałowa N. P., Wasilkowa Z. G., Szechtman J. L.: Izuczenije radioczuwstwitielnosti jaic Ascaris lumbricoides, A. suum i inwazjonnoj sposobnosti razwiwszichsja w nich liczinok. - Med. Parazit. i Parazit. Biol., 5: 566-571, 1958.
  • 32. Szichobalowa N. P., Wasilkowa Z. G., Szechtman J. L., Winogradowa I. D.: Izuczenije diejstwija jonizirujuszczej radiacji na jajca askarid. - Tez. Dokł. Nauczn. Konf. Wsiesoj. Ob-wa Gelm., 11-15 diekabra 1957, cz. II : 140-141, 1957.
  • 33. Szichobałowa N. P., Wasilkowa Z. G., Szechtman J. L., Winogradowa J. D.: Izmienienije radioczuwstwitielnosti jaic askaridat w zawisimosti ot stadii embriogenieza. - Rabaty po Gelmintołogii, k. 80-letiu Ak. K. I. Skriabina, 1958, 400-406.
  • 34. Terhaar C. J., Hansen M. F., Hein R.. E., Mc Farland R. H.: Anthelmintic studies with carbon-14-labeled carbon tetrachloride on Ascaridia galli (Nematoda) and its chicken host. - Am. J. Vet. Res., 20, 77: 662-664, 1959.
  • 35. Villella J. B., Gould S. E., Gomberg H. J.: Effect of cobalt-60 and X-ray on infectivity of Ascaris eggs. - J. Parasit., 44, 1: 85-92, 1958.

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