A group of farms (distinguished according to types of production and the economic magnitude) in countries close to Poland i.e. Austria, Denmark, Germany and Sweden, in the years 1997, 1999 and 2001 have been covered by the analysis. It resulted from the study that only some of these farms are able to continue their activities without budget subventions. In this situation the announced liberalization of the CAP would threaten with numerous bankruptcies of farms in some of the former EU-15 countries. This in turn could result in reduction of self-sufficiency in food production. Only farms specialized in vegetables, fruit, pigs, poultry and eggs production would show a relatively good standing. However, they constitute ca 10% of all farms in the analyzed countries. The chance for survival would also have some 16% of other farms (mainly in Austria). In general, in group of four analised countries only26% of existing farms could continue their activity under the conditions of liberalized CAP.