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2002 | 48 |

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Górskie obszary wiejskie Polski - wybrane zagadnienia


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Rural mountainous areas in Poland selected problems

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Artykuł zawiera charakterystykę zagadnień z zakresu struktury społeczno-gospodarczej górskich obszarów wiejskich w aspekcie ich trwałego rozwoju. Nawiązując do uwarunkowanej historycznie odmiennej i przestrzennie zróżnicowanej struktury funkcjonalnej obszarów karpackich i sudeckich, omawia specyfikę ich przemian oraz problemów.
The paper refers to the fact of proclamation of the year 2002 as the international mountain year. This fact demonstrates the importance of the state of the natural and socio-economic conditions in the mountains for the sustainable development of rural areas. The paper takes the examples of the Carpathian and Sudetian regions of Poland in order to characterise the transformations taking place in the spatial structure of rural areas. During the decade of the restructuring of the country these transformations depended largely upon the different, historically shaped functional structures of the Carpathian and Sudetian areas (Stola, 1995). That is why, notwithstanding the existing common problems (like registered unemployment), these areas are also characterised by quite specific issues. The latter are mainly associated with the different socio-professional and demographic structures of the population, along with the different agricultural structures. The sustainable development of the mountainous rural areas, conditioned by the protection of natural conditions, will also depend upon the way of solving the spatially differentiated socio-economic problems, and upon the care taken of the preservation of the cultural assets of these areas.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im.St.Leszczyckiego, Polska Akademia Nauk w Warszawie, Warszawa


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