Between 2009 and 2011, behaviour of 15 field roe deer living in agricultural landscape in western Poland was studied using the radio telemetry method. Observed animals were active during the entire day with two distinct peaks – at the dawn and at the dusk. Moreover, night activity was greater than the day one. Such activity pattern may result from frequent human presence in the field roe deer habitat. Throughout the year, the activity rate (locations of active roe deer/all locations ratio) was higher in the agricultural lands than in clumps and belts of trees, which the most likely was the consequence of availability of easily digestible food in the crop fields (during growing season as well as after its end). Furthermore, field roe deer activity in open farmlands was the subject to bigger changes – both during warm months and in the winter it was the highest during the lowest temperature. Such changes were not observed in mid−field places with trees. However, in such places the activity rate was higher during periods of snow cover than during snowless ones.