In delimiting particular provinces, the author tried to rely on factual observation data and was not influenced by ground morphology premises. However, he estimated its undeniable influence on climatic conditions. He willingly considered agriculural production zone in which a given ground is situated, soil conditions, and also local production conditions reported by farmers – scientists as well as by practitioners. Relying on listed above indicators, he eliminated 21 agroclimatic provinces in Poland. There is a particular list of these provinces: Northern Zone Provinces I. Szczecińska II. Zachodnio-Bałtycka III. Wschodnio-Bałtycka IV. Pomorska V. Mazurska VI. Nadnotecka VII. Środkowa VIII. Zachodnia, Central Zone Provinces: XIV. Wrocławska V. Częstochowsko-Kielecka XVI. Tarnowska XVII. Sandomiersko-Rzeszowska XVIII. Podsudecka XIX. Podkarpacka Strefa Górska XX. Sudecka XXI. Karpacka IX. Wschodnia X. Łódzka XI. Radomska XII. Lubelska XIII. Chełmska In delimiting provinces, the author gave the priority to temperature or humidity indicators, depending on which values were more characteristic for a given area, in terms of agricultural production needs are concerned. For example, for delimiting the Mazurian Province the temperature indicators were important, while in the case of the Central Province, the precipitation indicators were important. In other cases humidity and phenological indicators were crucial.