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2011 | 61 | 1 |

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Effect of selected thermal processes on the stability of reactive lysine in domestic cultivars of common bean (Phasoleus vulgaris)

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Samples of 3 domestic cultivars of bean seeds (Warta, Raba and Narew) were used to determine the content of dry matter, protein, fat, ash, amino acids and reactive lysine. Essential amino acid index (EAAI) and limiting amino acid index (CS) were calculated as well. The samples were subjected to autoclaving or heating in a dryer for 10, 20, 30 or 40 min at the temperature of 121oC. Next, the content of dry matter and reactive lysine in the samples were determined. It was observed that processing led to an increase in the content of dry matter in the seeds and to a decrease in the content of reactive lysine. The losses of reactive lysine were similar in both processes, amounting to 11–20%, regarding the content of the component in dry matter. Statistically significant changes were noted after 30 or 40 min of processing.

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  • Sub-Department of Biological Bases of Food and Feed Technology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Doswiadczalna 50A, 20-280 Lublin, Poland


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