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Preliminary evaluations of the yield components and productivity of sole cropped and mix-intercropped sweet corn with berseem clover as influenced by various spatial arrangements

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The study was designated to assess whether, and to what extent, yield-related characteristics in sweet corn and/or forage attribute in berseem clover are influenced by mono- or mixed cultivation systems, when combined with various corn planting arrangements. Effect of different culture methods (sole cropping/mixed intercropping) and spatial arrangements of 20×65 cm, 20×75 cm, 25×65 cm, 20×85 cm, 25×75 cm, and 25×85 cm on yield attributes of sweet corn and berseem clover was investigated at Gavdasht Research area, Babol region, Mazandaran Province, Iran, during 2009 cropping season. Significant differences in corn plant height, total number of leaves per plant, ear length, number of grains per row, plant dry weight, and can grain weight were observed with culture method. Spatial arrangement caused significant variations in all studied parameters. The maximum ear length and plant dry weight were obtained in sole cropped sweet corn. The highest values for the number of grains per ear, number of grain rows per ear, husked green ear yield, grain yield and forage yield in sweet corn/berseem clover mixed intercropping were recorded in spatial arrangement of 20×75 cm. However, crop arrangement of 25×85 cm resulted in producing maximum rate of fresh and dry forage yield in berseem clover in the first cut, and highest stem and ear diameter in sweet corn. The interaction between sole cropped sweet corn and 20×75 cm spatial arrangement led to the greatest number of grains per ear row. Whilst, mixed intercropping along with the said spatial arrangement produced maximum can grain weight. Findings suggested that growers for producing highest can grain weight, as a qualitative agronomic factor, should apply 20×75 cm spatial arrangement in sweet corn/berseem clover intercrops.

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  • Department of Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Department of Agronomy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, P.O.Box 466, Takestan, Iran
  • Department of Agricultural Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
  • Department of Agricultural Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


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