The objective of this study is to develop a statistical method for estimating the total infestation density of P. sylvestris stems by X. lineatus beetles. The method in matter should, permit calculation of the estimation error while omitting the need of debarking of the entire stem. The field work was carried out in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Zagnańsk Forest District, Występa Forest Sub-district), where 30 dead standing P. sylvestris trees were randomly selected and felled for investigation by using the method of entomological stem section-based analysis. In a statistical analysis of linear correlations between the numbers of X. lineatus entrance holes in selected 1 m-long stem sections and the total infestation density, the most significant correlations were found for the 3rd and 4th 1-m long stem sections (counting from the base). Here, the mean relative errors of estimation did not exceed 33%. The proposed method, using standing dead P. sylves-tris trees, may be employed to estimate the population density of X. lineatus in nature reserves, national parks and managed forests.