Effect of some drugs used inthe control of Fasciola hepatica on the level of certain vitamins from group B and on the histological and histochemical changes in the internal organs of a rat. II. Bilevon 9015-Bayer (2,2'-dihydroxy-3,3'-dinitro-5,5'-dichlor-diphenyl)
Vlijanie preparatov, primenjaemykh v bor'be s pochenochnojj dvuustkojj na obmen vitaminami iz gruppy B, a takzhe na gistologicheskuju i gistokhimichskuju kartiny vnutrennykh organov u krys. II. Bilevon 9015 "Bajjer" (2,2'-gididroksi-3,3'-dinitro-5,5'-dichlor-difenil)