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Parazytofauna przewodu pokarmowego psów i kotów m. Wrocławia i okolic, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nicieni z rodziny Ancylostomidae

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Parasitofauna of the alimentary track of dogs and cats of the Wroclaw town and its surroundings with particular reference to nematodes of the Ancylostomidae family
Parazytofauna pishhevaritel'nogo trakta sobak i koshek g. Vroclavja u okrestnostnejj c osobym uchteniem nemagod iz semejjstva Ancylostomidae

Języki publikacji



Studies on the parasitofauna of the alimentary tract of dogs and cats of the Wrocław town and its surroundings were conducted in 1961-1962. During that period were examined 118 dogs and 206 cats. Detailed quantative data of the collected material are shown in the table 1. Particular attention was paid to the degree of infection of dogs and cats having their owners (I group) and to animals without their owners (II group). Table 2 represents differences expressed in percentages between the infections of the two groups of animals. In view of the existing difference of opinion as regards the species specificity of Uncinaria stenocephala the course of experimental invasion with this nematode in cats was traced. These experiments showed that this parasite does not attain maturity in cats and the time duration of the presence of the parasite in the alimentary tract of cats is relatively short (about 4-5 weeks). This is indicated by the fact that the number of Uncinaria stenocephala diminishes in cats between the 10-28 day following the infection and the presence of partly digested individuals, which were found after 20 days of the duration of the invasion. On the terrain of the Wrocław town there occur two species of nematodes of the Ancylostoma genus - in the dog - A. caninmn, in the cat - A. tubaeforme. This was confirmed by morphological and biological investigations. In puppies infected experimentally with A. tubaeforme this nematode was completely absent. The work deals also with the role of the parasites of dogs and cats for the health of human beings with particular attention paid to the nematodes of the Toxocara genus. With the extensity of the occurrence of those nematodes in dogs and cats on a given terrain is closely connected the presence of the „Larva migrans" in human beings.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Parazytologii i Chorób Inwazyjnych, Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Wrocław
  • Katedra Parazytologii i Chorób Inwazyjnych, Wyższa Szkoła Rolnicza, Wrocław


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