Omówiono tendencje w świadczeniach emerytalno-rentowych w rolnictwie indywidualnym w latach 2000-2002. Dane empiryczne uzyskano z KRUS. Stwierdzono spadek liczby emerytur i rent w badanym okresie i jednoczesny wzrost liczby osób objętych ubezpieczeniem. Przyrost liczby rencistów wystąpił w grupie wiekowej powyżej 65 lat, podczas gdy w pozostałych nastąpił spadek. Może to być skutkiem większej kontroli orzecznictwa lekarskiego w tym zakresie. Wysokość świadczeń emerytalno-rentowych jest mało zróżnicowana i niska w kwotach pieniężnych.
The paper presents analysis of tendencies in retirement and pension benefits in private farms. It was found that there was a decreasing share of contribution to the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS) in farmers' incomes while increase of AL are of the farms and very low, in comparison to off-agricultural branch, relation of number of people paying contributions to number of beneficiaries. Moreover, yearly number of retirements and pensions decreased. At the same time, increase of number of people provided by the insurance caused decrease of number of retired and pensioners per one insured. However, relation of disability pensions’ number to the whole number of benefits increased. In the structure of disability pensions where was growth of percentage share of people older than 65, whereas there was decrease in other age groups. Agricultural retirement and pension benefits are not diversified regarding types and amounts of average sums of money received by the beneficiaries.