2. Grebyonkin S.S., Pavlysh V.N., Agafonov А.V., Kosarev V.V., Radchenko V.V., Ryabitchev V.D., Glebov V.P., Zenzerov V.I., Yegurnov Je.I. 2007.: Mathematical modeling and calculation of parameters of systems of coal mines and mechanic equipment /red. Grebyonkin S.S. & Kosarev V.V. – Donetsk:„ВІK”.– 263 p.
3. Grebyonkin S.S., Kosarev V.V., Topchiy S.Je., Stadnik N.I., Zenzerov V.I., Steblin V.V., erepelitsa B.А., Popovskiy V.N. 2009.:The base of construction and effective exploration of systems of life-providing of mechanic equipment for coal mines / red. Grebyonkin S.S. & Kosarev V.V. – Donetsk:„ВІK”.– 372 p.
4. Grebyonkin S.S., Pavlysh V.N., Kostenko V.K., Ryabitchev V.D., Kerkez S.D., Popov S.О., Topchiy S.Je. 2009.: Geo-ecological and mathematical methods of decisions for providing of safe technologies of coal complexes of Ukraineduring all terms of their life-activity. – Donetsk:„ВІK”.– 361 p. ISBN 978-966-430-104-3.
5. Grebyonkin S.S., Ryabitchev V.D., Pavlysh V.N., Dolzhikov P.N., Zenzerov V.I. 2007.: Mathematical models and methods of calculation of parameters of processes of underground mine works and mechanical equipment / red. Grebyonkin S.S. & Pavlysh V.N. – Donetsk: „ВІК”.– 385 p.
6. Grebyonkin S.S., Antypov I.V., Trybunska К.V., Agafonov O.V., Kosarev V.V., Kovalyov S.V., Pavlysh V.M., Ryabitchev V.D., Steblin V.V., Shatenko D.О., Filipenko Е.V. 2006.: The base of intellectual property and innovations: Educational book / red. Grebyonkin S.S. – Donetsk: „ВІK”. –205 p.
8. Grebyonkin S.S., Makhov G.G., Pavlysh V.N. 2009.: Geotechnical base of calculation and selection of construction schemes of mechanized timbers for steep coal stratums / red. Grebyonkin S.S. – Donetsk: „ВІK”. – 192 p.
9. Grebyonkin S.S., Pavlysh V.N., Samoylov V.L., Petrenko Ju.А. 2010.: The control of condition of rock massive. Educational book. – Donetsk: „ВІК”. – 191 p.
10. Grebyonkin S.S., Pavlysh V.N., Ryabitchev V.D., Stadnik N.I., Kerkez S.D., Topchiy S.Je., Popov S.О., Grodzinskiy P.Ja., Zenzerov V.I., Vorobyov Je.А., Popovskiy V.N., Bartashevskiy S.Je., Yelizarov А.А. 2011: Theory and practice ofprojecting of systems of coal mines, processes ofunderground mine works and mechanic equipmentwith application of mathematical modeling / red.Grebyonkin S.S. & Pavlysh V.N. – Donetsk:„ВІK”.– 390 p.
11. Grebyonkin S.S., Pavlysh V.N., Topchiy S.Je., Krokhmalyova Je.G. 2011.: The base directions and perspectives ecologically-economical development of coal industry / The problems of mining and ecology of coal industry: the materials of VI internationalscientific-practice conference (13-14 of may 2011, t. Antratsit, Ukraine). – Donetsk: ed. “Donbass”. – p.25–33.
12. S. Grebyonkin, V. Pavlysh & O. Grebyonkina. 2011.: Application of mathematical simulation method for solving the task focused on efficiency increase of hydraulic influence process on coal seam Technical and Geoinformational Systems in Mining/Proceedings of the school of undergroundmining, dnipropetrovs’k/Yalta, Ukraine, 2-8OCTOBER 2011. – CRC Press/Balkema, Leiden,The Netherlands, 2011. – p.313–317.
14. Pavlysh E.V. 2008.: The innovation base of regional competition ability. – Donetsk: „ВІК”.– 184 p. ISBN 966-430-053-5.
15. Pavlysh V.N., Grebyonkin S.S., Bondarenko V.I., Agafonov А.V., Shtern Ju.M., Galtchenko А.М. 2006.: Theoretical base of processes of complex hydropneumatic action on coal stratums. – Donetsk: „ВІK”. – 273 p. – ISBN 966-430-010-1
16. Pavlysh V.N., Grebyonkin S.S. 2006.: Physicallytechnical base of processes of hydraulic action on coal stratums. – Donetsk: „ВІК”. – 269 p. – ISBN 966-430-009-8.
17. Pavlysh V.N., Shtern Ju.М. 2007: The base of theory and parameters of technology of processes of hydropneumatic action on coal stratums. – Donetsk: “BIK”.– 400 p. ISBN 966-430-035-7.
18. Pavlysh V.N., Shamaev V.V., Kulish Е.V. 2000.: Economically-mathematical modeling in creation of ecologically safe strategy and programs of development of industry / «Progressive technologies and systems in machine-building». The international collection of scientific articles, ed. 13. EditionDonNTU, Donetsk .– p. 56–60
19. Waldemar Izdebski, Jaroslaw Osiak, Jacek Skudlarski 2010.: Economical aspects of straw briquettes production / TEKA Kom. Mot. i Energ. Roln. – OLPAN, 2010, 10, 101 – 106
20. Marek Horynski, 2010.: Reasonable energy management in an intelligent building / TEKA Kom. Mot. i Energ. Roln. – OLPAN, 2010, 10C, 87 – 94