The article is an attempt at typological presentation of the demographic structure of the Suwałki Province and its spatial differentiation. In contains comments on the reasons of the differentiations and indicates further consequences of the processes of changes in biological structure of the population of the Suwałki region. The data for the year 1975 were utilized in the research since full statistical documentation exists for that period. Community and town were accepted as basic spatial units. In the first part of the article, the choice of typological methodology based on F. Uhorczak typograms methodology based on F. Uhorczak typograms was explained. Subsequently, the basic demographic features of the population of the Suwałki Province, which are the basis of the analysis, were characterized. The features were presented by means of the following ratios: 1) birth - rate, 2) proportional participation of the population having non – agricultural maintenance sources - economic ratio of urbanization, 3) participation of population of retirement age in the total number of population - ratio of population ageing, 4) number of women per 100 men - feminization ratio. Basing on mutual relations of the features, six types of demographic structures were distinguished, which showed distinctly the existing biological – social differentiation of the population of the region. The most favourable types of demographic structures occur in the western and central parts of the Suwałki Province, where there is a high share of younger age - groups in the structure of the population age, more even structure of the sexes and relatively higher level of urbanization. The eastern areas, on the other hand, appear to have decidedly worse demographic structure - lower birth-rate, higher level of population ageing, lower level of urbanization, strongly deformed structure of the sexes with clearly marked dominance of men (particularly in the country) which may negatively influence the processcs of natural movement in the future.