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1959 | 05 | 6 |

Tytuł artykułu

O skuteczności zwalczania lambiozy u dzieci skojarzonym leczeniem atebryną oraz entobexem, związkiem fenantrolonchinonowym

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On the efficiency bof combating lambliosis in choldren by a joint treatment with Atebrin and Entobex, a phenenthrolono-quinine compund
Ob uspeshnosti bor'by s ljambliozom u detejj pri pomoshhi odnovremennogo lechenija atebrinom i ehtobeksom, fenantrolino-khinnym soedineniem

Języki publikacji



The relapses in the treatment of lambliosis with atebrin are mostly caused by the parasite cysts remaining in the organism. In this case, 4, 7 phenanthrolino – 5-6 quinone (Entobex - CIBA) is effective. Taking this into consideration the authors applied both these drugs to 24 children (6 to 13 years of age) infected with Lamblia intestinalis. Because of Little's disease these children stayed at the medical establishment „Górka" in Busko-Zdrój on rehabilitation. To all these children atebrin was administered once a day, during 2 days. Subsequently the patients received three 7-days treatments with Entobex. with weekly intervals between the treatments. Entobex was administered according to the age of the child, i. e. 100 to 300 g daily. The children stood the treatment generally quite well 1) After 45 days from the beginning of the Entobex treatment no Lamblia cysts were found in the faeces of 22 patients - 91,6% (out of 24 patients treated). 2) Out of 22 children cured, 10 were examined additionally after 99-126 days after the Entobex treatment, and 1 child on the 72 day. The faeces of all these children did not contain Lamblia cysts. 3) The results obtained evidence of a favourable remedial effect of the joined treatment with atebrin and Entobex, on Lamblia in children. 4) Considering these encouraging results these investigations should be controlled on larger material.

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Opis fizyczny



  • I Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Akademia Medyczna, Łódź
  • Zakład Leczniczo Wychowawczy "Górka", Busko Zdrój
  • Wojewódzka Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna, Kielce


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