Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) plays an important role in a physiological and aberrant synaptic plasticity, like that occurring during epileptogenesis. Consequently, enhanced synaptic plasticity is accompanied by a prolonged upregulation of MMP-9 expression due to an activation of its transcription. Epigenetic mechanisms are often responsible for a long lasting changes in a gene expression. Accordingly, our recent data suggested that MMP-9 gene transcription in brain neurons can be regulated by these molecular phenomena. Here, we have studied epigenetic changes occurring in a Mmp9 promoter in the rat hippocampus during PTZ-induced kindling, which is a model of an epileptogenesis. Using the methylationspecifi c polymerase chain reaction, we have evaluated pattern of alterations of the methylation status in the 5’CpG sites of the Mmp-9 promoter which arise during different stages of the kindling. Then, we have confi rmed these data with the bisulfi te sequencing.