Although "about the patient" much has been written, however, due to the complexity and changing nature of the problems, we can still feel the insufficiencyand desire to deepen and broaden the framework of reflection in this area. Especially in the case of "analysis of the patient's actions" functioning in contemporary medicalized reality. Reality, in which the typical becomes a crossing borders of intervention in nature, the biological dimension of the human being; which says about transcendence; about the potential biomedical research -the opportunities and threats created bynew technologies; which is raising issues of importance to discover new methods and tools for effective diagnosis and treatment. All actions are guided by the most important goal: the good of mankind and man. However, is the reality keeping pace with the ideas? Is the pursuit of the noble objectives of the medicine not losing so important for it humanistic element? Complaints and requests made to the authorities upholding respect for the rights of the patient suggest a positive answer to this question.In the article are presented selected results of a larger research project. The results of the analysis of complaints and requests submitted to the Professional Liability Officer of Regional Medical Chamber in Lodz (1990-2010).The time frame and the problem of the analyzed material can be considered reliable exemplification of "disappearance" of the humanistic element in the “patient -medical staff”relationship and indicatesthe nature of the problems faced by patients over 20 years. Selecting the indicated data also allows to bring up the conclusions of a broader nature
Department of Sociology of Politics and Morality, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
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1st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, dilemmas of scientific research in various fields of science: natural sciences, science and technology, economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, 10th October, 2016, Cracow, Poland