Przeanalizowano wpływ wielkości obszarowej gospodarstw rolnych na techniczną modernizację, dofi nansowaną ze środków UE. Występuje problem z dofi nansowaniem zakupu maszyn rolniczych o większych parametrach technicznych (głównie mocy), gdyż stosunkowo niewielka powierzchnia UR ogranicza ich racjonalne wykorzystanie. Przy ocenie stopnia wykorzystania maszyn rolniczych powinno się stosować wskaźniki pozwalające uwzględnić specyfi kę danego obszaru. Aktualnie empiryczna ocena wniosków inwestycyjnych określa jedynie wydajność teoretyczną maszyny, bez porównania do warunków polowych.
The aim of the study was to determine the infl uence of the area of farms on the possibility of technological modernization with the support of EU funds. The Biłgoraj Province suffers from a problem with subsidizing purchases of agricultural machines with higher technical parameters (mostly power) as the relatively small area of cropland (19.21 ha of cropland) limits their rational use. Scientifi c standards applied by the Agency for Development and Modernisation of Agriculture to evaluate applications do not treat farms as single organisms, as they focus solely on selected areas of production. In the case of crop production, the system does not take into account the fact that if dates for particular agro-technical procedures on farms which also rear animals overlap, tractors have to be used with machines in livestock buildings. In such cases the tractor is aggregated with such machines constantly. A purchase, however, of a higher power tractor (against the computing factor) that would work with a more effi cient machine, would considerably reduce working time. Factors which make it possible to take into account the specifi city of a given area should be used for the evaluation of the degree of usage of agricultural machines. Currently, the empirical evaluation of investment applications defi nes only the theoretical effi ciency of the machine, without any comparison to real-life conditions.