Zaprezentowano sposób określania i przedstawiania na mapie zróżnicowania środowiska przyrodniczego. Mapy takie porównywano z mapami rozmieszczenia ludności, gęstości zaludnienia, osadnictwa, roinictwa i kilku innych form działalności człowieka. Wyniki badań są wstępem do dalszych poszukiwań mających na celu dokładniejsze poznanie związków zachodzących między przyrodą a człowiekiem.
In its introductory part, the paper presents the findings and opinions of selected authors who believed that the task of geographers was to study mutual relationships between man and his surroundings. The main part of the article is devoted to ways of defining environmental differentiation, of representing it on maps and using such maps to study the relations between the environment and various aspects of human behavior and activity. The differentiation has been chosen as a common characteristics of all components of the natural environment. This is a kind of a common denominator to which various elements of nature of diversified character can be reduced. Having discussed advantages and disadvantages of environment differentiation maps for the study of the above mentioned relations, the author makes a suggestion that follow-up research in the field is of high cognitive value.