Between 24 May and 5 June 2021 on a flooded meadow in Lublin District we recorded several times calls of three males of the Baillon’s Crake Zapornia pusilla. After having applied a playback stimulation one male approached the loudspeaker and was observed. Between 6 and 19 June we placed several camera traps in the area, and they took 25 photos of the species. On 20 June we found a nest of the Baillon’s Crake containing 8 eggs at the final stage of incubation. During the next visit on 6 July we found one (probably unfertilised) egg and tiny eggshells fragments. The nest platform was well trodden indicating the presence of birds and nest success. The Baillon’s Crake has been absent as a breeding bird in Poland for more than 160 years, and our observation is the first documented breeding record of the species since then.