Green Tobacco Sickness (GTS) has been one of the unexplored areas of occupational health safety. Green Tobacco Sickness is caused by the absorption of nicotine through the skin from wet tobacco plants who have direct contact with tobacco plants during cultivation and harvesting. The present review was carried out to discuss the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of GTS. It is caused by the absorption of nicotine through the skin while the workers are engaged in handling the uncured tobacco leaves. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, pallor, dizziness, headaches, increased perspiration, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased salivation, prostration, weakness, breathlessness, and occasional lowering of blood pressure. The use of personal protective equipment like water‑resistant clothing, chemical‑resistant gloves, plastic aprons, and rain‑suits with boots should be used by the tobacco farmers to prevent its occurrence. An international‑level awareness campaign has to be taken up and more stringent workers safety regulations have to be formulated.