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2018 | 10 | 4 |

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Evaluation and development prospects of the sports and recreation market in Poland in 2000–2030. PEST analysis from a legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological perspective

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The article presents an analysis of legal, economic, social and technological factors affecting the sports and recreation sector in Poland. It attempts to quantify changes of 20 weighted factors that have a significant influence on the shape of the market in 2000–2030. The results are used as a basis for finding the potential growth gap of this sector up until 2050. ‪The methodology selected for the research process was based on a macro-environmental study using PEST analysis. The model in principle requires that its users analyze factors without the feedback effect, i.e. those that determine the shape of the sports and recreation market, while the influence of individual entities or organizations on the market should not be evaluated. The synthetic analysis of changes in the sector was based on expert opinions on the identified factors, including legal changes that arise mainly from adaptation of the Polish law to the regulations of the European Union.

Słowa kluczowe


  • Department of Management in Sport, Chair of Sport, Faculty of Physical Education, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
  • Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland


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